[Valid Atom 1.0] Why I Am Addicted To Hats- Gideon Okeke Explains - bolexwhiz

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Why I Am Addicted To Hats- Gideon Okeke Explains

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Gideon Okeke has said the only reason he is addicted to hats at his age is because he has a receding hair. According to him, he uses the hat to cover up but occasionally removes it while working. Lol, hear him;

What is that fashion item you cannot leave home without?

I cannot leave home without my hat. I have over fifteen hats. I am only 32 years old and I already have a receding hair line. I use the cap to cover it up and the only time I am not wearing a cap is when I am working. Eventually when all the hair recede, I’d be like Samuel .L. Jackson or Russel Simmons.
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