[Valid Atom 1.0] TROUBLE! Chicago Sp*rm Bank Sued For Giving White Couple ‘Black Sp*rm’ - bolexwhiz

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TROUBLE! Chicago Sp*rm Bank Sued For Giving White Couple ‘Black Sp*rm’

Iklan 655 x 60
An American woman identified as Jennifer Cramblett and her partner, Amanda Zinkon have sued a Chicago Sperm bank after she became pregnant with sperm donated by a black man instead of that of a white man. Cramblett, who had a 2year old daughter Payton from the sperm donor in April 2012, had contacted the
Midwest Sperm Bank LLC outside Chicago to proceed for another insemination for her partner Amanda, only for her to confirm
that she was inseminated with semen from a black donor.
According to a lawsuit filed on Monday, September 29, 2014, against Midwest Sperm Bank in Cook County, Illinois. Cramblett said they had chosen from a man known as No.380, a white donor but the sperm used for insemination eventually came from N0.330, a black donor In a telephone interview on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Cramblett spoke about her disappointment, saying: ‘How could they make a mistake that was so personal? They took a personal choice, a personal decision and took it on themselves to make
that choice for us out of pure negligence.’
Reports also have it that, the lawsuit seeks a minimum of $50,000 in damages and Cramblett’s attorney, Tim Misny has said some of the compensation would pay for ongoing counselling

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