[Valid Atom 1.0] Music Premiere : SamOtee (@Itz_SamOtee) - #SpeakMaMind - bolexwhiz

OFOFO is our way....

Music Premiere : SamOtee (@Itz_SamOtee) - #SpeakMaMind

Iklan 655 x 60

Producer ExtraOrdinaire "SamOtee" releases the 1st Piece "#SpeakMaMind" Off his Upcoming EP "I Guess Itz Ma Turn" Which Is set to Drop Soon..

The Sparkle Music Official Producer Is Reportedly Working On more Amazing Stuffs as the Sequel Of this Piece "#SpeakMaMind Remix" Featuring his Label Mate "Arkdrazy" and "LilTorn" Is set to Come Up afterwards....

N:B - This Piece Is Strictly For Rappers And Hip Hop Heads Only.
      - Best with a Joint in Hand..........Lol....Enjoy!!!
Tag : music
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