[Valid Atom 1.0] Finally! Meet Lilian, Nigeria’s Big Brother Hotshot Housemate - bolexwhiz

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Finally! Meet Lilian, Nigeria’s Big Brother Hotshot Housemate

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Known as ‘SexyLeeLee’ to her friends, Lillian is a model, actor, presenter, and tax collector!

Lilian says she entered Big Brother Hotshots for ‘the platform it provides and the publicity that comes with it, and the money’. She’s not willing to sell herself short to win the grand prize. If she
does win, she’ll invest in her talk show, which is about ‘helping upcoming talents’ and get herself a house

Big Brother Hotshots Lilian’s favourite foods are rice and plantain and she likes watching Baggage on TV and listening to 2Face Idibia. She doesn’t have a favourite book, but likes movies like Think Like A Man, Blended, Friends With Benefits, Bridesmaids and Twelve Years A Slave. Her favourite actor is Angelina Jolie, because ‘she’s creative and can switch between roles’.

Her favourite place in Nigeria is Lagos, and she says the best thing about Africa is its cultural diversity. Outside her home country, she’d like to visit California for the opportunities she believes it would provide her to improve her career.

Lilian’s role model is Oprah Winfrey, because of her strength, and the person who has most influenced her life is her mother, ‘because she has always believed in me and encouraged me to follow my dreams’.

She describes herself as ‘spontaneous, easy-going, focused and confident’ and says her best assets are that she’s ambitious, a good listener, flexible, persuasive, competitive, independent and original.
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