[Valid Atom 1.0] Music: IGBORO - Lobamz | @emilobamz - bolexwhiz

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Music: IGBORO - Lobamz | @emilobamz

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To some he’s Kiyesi Bamidele Francis, but to most, he’s the ‘The Street Wise General’ , Lobamz. Starting up doing Freestyles in 2012, a decade of passion and hard work has seen the “Igboro” rapper making it at the ‘underground hype’ in Lagos, Nigeria.

Having worked with some fast coming artiste like T fresh, Sandy, Marion, Citiboi, and Echo.  Lobamz found his way around the industry at Lagos, Ogun and Ibadan performing in several local shows so as to increase his impact.

By 2013, the creative rapper decided to have his own entertainment crew named One Hundred Percent Music Entertainment ( 100PM Ent.), starting his own Rap career, and Indigenous Yoruba Rap has been so cool ever since. The singles hits to his credit as a rapper, Lobamz incredible touches encourage him into the support of Kenny Yankee Entertainment whom are managing his career as at 2014.

Lobamz grew up in Lagos State and studied in Lagos and Ogun states having certified with Computer Engineering(Software). Welcome and join us in support of ‘The Street Wise General’ Lobamz as you download and listen to his singles tittle IGBORO feat the present producer for MayD ‘Confam Ent’ Marion.

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