[Valid Atom 1.0] EVENT: MARKET IBADAN BUSINESS FESTIVAL #IbadanBusinessFestival - bolexwhiz

OFOFO is our way....


Iklan 655 x 60
Game Changers Magazine, University of Ibadan SUG and Ivory Connect in collaboration with The Juice Nigeria presents a Skills Acquisition Program which would be running during the MARKET IBADAN BUSINESS FESTIVAL taking place at The Pavilion, University of Ibadan from June 25 - 29, 2014.

Featured skills to be acquired:

    Digital Branding
    Makeover Artistry
    Agriculture (Fisheries)

    Online Journalism/Social Media Marketing
    Catering & Confectionaries
    Fashion Designing (Clothing)
    Fashion Designing (Shoes & Bags)
    Network Marketing
    Freelance Writing
    Events Management
    Twine Bag Making

Students, unemployed youths, artists, artisan and general public are welcome to explore and take advantage of this grand business and cultural exposure. It promises to be an event to remember!
Use the links below to book your place in the skills acquisition workshops! You do not want to miss this!Registration
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