[Valid Atom 1.0] Awoof!!! You Get $3,000 For Participating in the #MobilizeYourTeamChallenge!! | @adeola_clue - bolexwhiz

OFOFO is our way....

Awoof!!! You Get $3,000 For Participating in the #MobilizeYourTeamChallenge!! | @adeola_clue

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Mobilizr.net has partnered with Samsung and CCHub to run a Social Medial Influencer competition tagged #MobilizeYourTeam in which social media users race themselves to build the largest team from their social networks.

Here are the top 6 reasons why you should NOT participate:

1. They are giving away $3,000 in CASH to the winner. (And I know you hate money)

2. All you have to do is invite your friends and followers to click a link you give them and sign up to join your team. (Too easy, please - we want hard work)

3. You may get noticed as an influencer, and brands will want to sign you up as an ambassador. (Again, money…root of all evil…please stay away)

4. You will get to collaborate with like-minded people interested in technology and problem solving. (Ugghh, collaboration? people? Yuck)

5. There will be food and drinks aplenty at the Finale @Cc_HUB (And I know you’re trying to count calories)

6. You might have FUN! (Jeez, who wants that)
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