Hello Olofofounited, will appreciate your readers advice on this. I'm in a mess.I'm 25 years old. I met a man online in 2010 In 2011, he came from the USA and we got married and he promised to do my papers so I can meet him in the USA. When he left, I found out I was pregnant so he said it would be difficult to get me to come until I give birth. I gave birth in 2012 and he came 6 months after our son was born. He then said the child was too young for me to travel with. He suggested we wait till the child is 1 year. That's late 2012. He decided I should open a saloon to keep myself busy.
He left with promises to come back for me.He hasn't shown up. Besides I can't call him, he calls me.His phone is always off at nights( their time)
I met a young man and we hit it off. He has told me my husband is probably married and wanted to have a child by an African woman.
He says he is prepared to marry me because he loves me.I am falling for him too. My husband has told me he is having some issues so I have to wait again till September 2014 to join him.
I don't want to waste my time and lose this man who wants to marry me with a kid. Also I can't get married to him when I haven't asked for a divorce.
I want to ask my husband for a divorce. Am I wrong?
2 Comments for "Dear OlofofoUTD Readers : Is this enough reason to divorce my husband?"
Not at all. Your husband is not serious at all. Babies travel on planes, they grant permits. Tell him your mind and move on with the other guy!
My dear, stop wasting your precious time! Ur husband is not a serious person, ask for d divorce and move on with your life