[Valid Atom 1.0] ASUU STRIKE UPATE: Sack Us Now Or Sign Our Agreements - ASUU Dares Jonathan - bolexwhiz

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ASUU STRIKE UPATE: Sack Us Now Or Sign Our Agreements - ASUU Dares Jonathan

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The Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, on Monday made good their decision not to return to class as directed by the Federal Government until all the agreement reached are properly signed.

"How can you call off a strike when there is nothing to show for it? The government is not qualified to call off the strike. Our union is awaiting the government to state all it has done in black and white. However, it is a serious insult on us for the government to be harassing us with sacking threat.

We are not casual workers or labourers. Our research work has been ongoing."

The striking university teachers also refused to sign any form of attendance registers in their institutions as was directed by the government.

They said they were only waiting for the sack letters the Federal Government threatened to give them if they did not return to work..

The National Treasurer of ASUU, Dr. Ademola Aremu, said they would have wasted their time and effort if they caved in and returned to work under threat.

Also, the UNICAL ASUU Chairman, Dr. James Okpiliya, insisted that the Federal Government must meet the lecturers' demands before the strike could be suspended.
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