Elina Desaine, 20, doesn't even know the names of all her sexual partners, but tries to keep track with handwritten list using descriptions such as 'French guy' and 'third year' to recall her trysts.
The University of Exeter student received £500 and a year's supply of condoms after winning the competition run by controversial 'no strings attached fun' website, Shagatuni.com.
Latvian-born Elina who refers to herself as a 'Slutvian' and 'Sexeter', said winning the contest has made her 'even hornier'.
The former pupil of the £4,000-a-term James Allens Girls' School said one of her proudest moments is having sex in a university computer room, and admitted her ultimate goal is to seduce a lecturer.
Despite being begged by her housemates to take tests for sexually transmitted illnesses, the student claims she is 'just having fun'.
'All my friends are the same - we are all just up for having a great time and going out.
'Uni life is three years to be wild before it starts settling down and it really flies by.'
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The third year IT management student keeps a list of her sexual partners or, in her words, 'conquests' but struggles to remember all their names.
'I have to put descriptions or question marks instead of names.'
The self-proclaimed 'modern-day feminist' entered the competition after being encouraged by a friend who said she had a 'reputation for having fun'.
'My friends were worried about what future employers might say but I hope they see it as a bit of fun, and it shows I am more confident than the average girl.'
Entrants were encouraged to post pleas to win the title on the 'casual dating' website's Facebook page.
Elina, who was just one of hundreds of male and female candidates, wrote: 'I should be the UK's horniest student because I have sex with at least 2/3 different people a week.
The student listed having sex in a computer room and sleeping with two university union bartenders as some of her biggest achievements
The student listed having sex in a computer room and sleeping with two university union bartenders as some of her biggest achievements

'Sometimes I go clubbing, have sex with someone, and then go back to the club to pick my second victim'.
'She even told me how the computer science club is perfect because it’s full of guys.
'After meeting with Elina personally I am 100 per cent confident I have found the horniest student in the country - I have never met someone so sexually confident.'
The competition was slammed by sexual health experts as 'dangerous' though Shagatuni.com encourages students to have safe sex
The student, who claims to have had sex with just two people before going to university, claimed some of her proudest moments were sleeping with two of the university union's bartenders and stripping to the Baywatch theme song while in a local nightclub.
The final year student is planning on applying for internships in the hope to start up her own technology business.
A spokesman for The University of Exeter told Mail Online: 'We certainly don’t condone this sort of behaviour but our main concern at this time is for the student and the impact this may have on her over the long term.'
Though the University chose not to respond to Miss Desaine's claim to have had sex in an on-campus computer room, their regulations relating to the use of technology facilities states: 'Personal or recreational use of the IT facilities may be subject to temporary or permanent suspension'.
She insists her only rule is to only have sex when using a condom, and claims a recent chlamydia test that her housemates forced her to take returned a negative result.
'It's great because you can have fun without getting any diseases'.
Sexual health experts condemned the competition as 'dangerous' as they believed it could encourage the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Before the competition's winner was announced, sexual health consultant Dr Peter Greenhouse said: ‘The more people who try to win this award, the more dangerous things will be for their friends. It is far from a brilliant idea in public health terms.
'Most people who have sexual infections have no symptoms. They get these infections from people who don't know they have it. That is why there are so many infections around.’
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