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Cossy Orjiakor Veers Into Fashion

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Cossy Feature

Cossy Orjiakor, the ‘Boobsy One’, has dropped a strong hint that she is set to veer into the fashion business by setting up her own line before the year runs out. The part time actress cum musician made this known when she said;

 “As an entertainer and businesswoman, I try to explore all the options available to me. The name of the line would be called Playgirl Fashion. I’m working with a team of experts and we are done with the planning and designing stages and soon will be moving into the production stage. Hopefully, before the end of the year, the first collection from the line will be out,” she said.

 But what readily comes to mind is the kind of clothes she will design. Something tells me she may go for her kind of skimpy and cleavage-showing designs that have become synonymous with her. Anyway, I will say congratulations to her as she changes vocation after her unsuccessful stint in acting and singing.
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