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Arnold Schwarzenegger will be back for Terminator 5

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Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger will return as The Terminator in 2014.

The action movie veteran confirmed he will be returning as the futuristic robot character in Terminator 5 during a speech he made at a 21st Century Financial Education Summit event in Australia this week (beg10Jun13), and it appears he even has a shoot date on his schedule.

The former California Governor said, "I'm very happy that the studios want me to be in Terminator 5 and to star as the Terminator, which we start shooting in January."

The film will be the first Terminator movie since 2009's Terminator Salvation, and will mark Schwarzenegger first franchise project since 2003's Terminator: Rise of the Machines.

Few details about Terminator 5 have been released, but moviemaker James Cameron, who wrote and directed the first two films is reportedly onboard to script Schwarzenegger's return
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