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Skin Care: Home Remedies For Acne Treatment

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Stop spending hundreds of dollars buying the latest innovative techy machine for your skin or the best and most amazing new topical spot treatment! Many of the ingredients to help your skin look and feel its best can be found in your home! Read along to learn some great home remedies for your skin:

1. Try a new type of moisturizer while you sleep! Pure extra virgin olive oil is a miracle product and will make your skin look more supple, youthful, hydrated, and best of all it won’t clog your pores or make you break out! Only a dime size is needed to cover your face and neck. Make sure your face and neck are freshly cleansed then apply the olive oil. It may feel a little greasy but don’t fret…you will be amazed with the results in a very short time!

2. Sugar! Brown or white cane sugar work fabulously as an exfoliator for your skin. Simply mix a little warm water or extra virgin olive oil with sugar and gently massage in a circular motion with your clean fingertips on your clean face and neck. Continue for about 2 minutes then rinse off with warm water. Instantly fresh and beautiful skin! You can follow this same routine for your lips if they are dry and chapped.

3. Simple, non-fancy toothpaste, not the gel kind, but the paste kind, is effective as a spot treatment for small pimples. Apply a dab on spots and they will dry out quickly and be gone soon! (Test one pimple first to make sure the toothpaste does not irritate your skin. It can be an irritant to those with extremely sensitive skin.)

4. Plain organic yogurt and honey are awesome to use as a mask to hydrate your skin (thanks to the yogurt) while the honey pulls impurities from your skin and minimizes breakouts. Neither will clog your pores and you can leave this mask on your skin for 20-30 minutes then rinse off with warm water. Safe on most skin types, even the most gentle…as long as you’re not allergic!
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