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FG to privatise transport sector

Iklan 655 x 60

The Director-General of the Bureau of Public Enterprises, Mr. Benjamin Dikki, has said the bureau would soon begin the privatisation process for the country’s transport sector.

This is contained in a statement by the bureau’s Acting Head, Public Communications, Mr. Alex Okoh, on Sunday, in Abuja.

According to the statement, the process will begin as soon as the necessary legal and regulatory frameworks are put in place.

It said that once this was done, the transport sector would become a viable investment destination for investors from across the globe.

It noted that the bureau was concerned with the viability of the transport sector because it was critical to the growth of the nation’s economy.

“We don’t want to repeat the mistake we made during the port reform. Before embarking on the reform of any sector, we will ensure that the legal and regulatory frameworks are in place.

“That is why for the transport sector, we have all the seven draft bills undergoing approval process by the Federal Executive Council, after which they will be transmitted to the National Assembly for passage.

“From the assurances we are getting from the various stakeholders, these bills will be passed soon,” the statement said.

It lauded the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan for its support for the bureau which, he said, ensured a measure of success in the power sector reform.
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