[Valid Atom 1.0] After infecting wife with HIV, Hanks Anuku claims he is now a born again Christian - bolexwhiz

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After infecting wife with HIV, Hanks Anuku claims he is now a born again Christian

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Some not so young followers of Nollywood would surely remember popular actor, Hanks Anuku very well known for his bad boy roles some years ago. The actor recently made a shocking confession that he infected his wife with HIV during a 6-month period of romps with not less than 80 women in 2011....

Hanks made the revelation recently, saying: ‘I left Nigeria in April 2011 to Zambia where I took part in various plays on teaching about HIV and AIDS without my wife and two kids for six months....

‘Life in Zambia was heaven on earth because we could enjoy life, moving in all places but I was missing my family. When I came back home I never took care of the family. I started drinking like a fish and became an irresponsible husband leaving the entire burden to my wife. During my peak of popularity I had sex with approximately 80 women, within Harare and Zambia. In 2002 it was so amazing to be on TV. I abused the fame. To make matters worse I lacked counselling and I failed to handle it properly.’...

Hanks also revealed he infected his wife knowing fully well he could be HIV positive as he said he got tested and discovered his HIV status in Zambia after one of his numerous girlfriends tested positive and advised him to get tested too....

‘She forced me to get tested but I could not come to terms with the results. After I got tested I came back to Zimbabwe and I kept quiet about the issue. I never told my wife about the issue. I infected her but I regret. I later on received some counseling and it went well,’ he explained....

The actor claims he is now a born again Christian with UFIC under the guidance of Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa, and according to reports, now lives in Ghana....

The revelation would come as news to many who have wondered where the actor, whose image loomed so large in Nollywood back in 2000s especially after he had acted in a movie titled The Senator, has been for the past few years....
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