Judge Thokozile Masipa has found Oscar Pistorius guilty of culpable homicide (manslaughter). He was absorbed of murder yesterday when the judge determined that he had no intention to kill but by reaching for his firearm and shooting towards the supposed threat in his bathroom which she described as a "small cubicle," Pistorius "acted too hastily and used excessive force," adding that his conduct was "negligent."
The maximum jail term for culpable homicide is 15 years, meaning that despite being cleared of murder, Pistoriuos could still end up behind bars for Reeva Steenkamp's death. His sentencing may take weeks
He was also found guilty of one of the three weapon charges against him. He was found not guilty of two - a car shooting incident and illegal possession of firearm in house, while he was found guilty of a shooting at
called Tashas.
More details later.
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