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"To Win At Life, You Need Some Kim Kardashian Skills" - Kanye West

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Kanye West has taken on an endless number of topics in his latest interview with GQ, as he discusses life as a married man, Kim Kardashian and that Instagram photo. The Yeezus rapper also reveals why being a Dad is the coolest...

Touching on how he is learning to communicate with Kim, he said: "What I had to learn from Kim is how to take more of her advice and less of other people's advice. There's a lot of Kim K skills that were added. In order to win at life, you need some Kim K skills, period. Kim is this girl who f**king turns me on. I love her.

This is who I want to be next to and be around. And then people would try to say, "Well, you know, if you're a musician, you should be with a musician, and if you want to design, you need to be with a girl from the design world." I don't give a f**k about people's opinions.".

It's no secret that Kanye and Kim have had their problems with designers, despite their now all-conquering success in the fashion industry. "There was a time for two or three years where fashion designers wouldn't give Kim dresses. There was a time they wouldn't even let me be at shows. Now the idea that Kim is in a Givenchy Couture dress is raising the communication."

The photo of the couple's first kiss at their wedding ceremony fast became the most-liked photo on Instagram ever, which is all thanks to Kim, apparently. "It's because of Kim. Meaning there's no photo that I would have put up by myself, or next to one of my smarty friends, that would have got that amount of likes."

Although it's clear his two ladies are his number one priority in life, saying: "Family is super cool. Going home to one girl every night is super cool. Just going home and getting on the floor and playing with your child is super cool. "Not wearing a red leather jacket, and just looking like a dad and s**t, is like super cool. Having someone that I can call Mom again. That shit is super cool."
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