[Valid Atom 1.0] Worshippers escape death in Owerri as police uncover explosives in Church - bolexwhiz

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Worshippers escape death in Owerri as police uncover explosives in Church

Iklan 655 x 60
According to a breaking news report on Premium Times, two Improvised Explosive Devices was discovered at a church, Winners Chapel on Port Harcourt road in Owerri, Imo state this morning June 15th. The police detonated the bomb after detecting them. The Commissioner of Police in Imo state, Abdumajid Ali, said they have arrested six suspects over the discovery of the explosives.

The police say they believe the explosives were planted on Saturday night and timed to explode after worshippers had gathered for worship today. Thankfully it was discovered on time. Details later
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