[Valid Atom 1.0] Dr Sid Exposes Wife’s Dirty Secret In Public! - bolexwhiz

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Dr Sid Exposes Wife’s Dirty Secret In Public!

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Should we conclude that Dr Sid is openly lamenting about his wife’s excesses or he’s just gushing about her in public?
Be the judge here but, what we do know is that the singer has let us into his wife, Simi Osomo’s unending thirst for shopping, and guess what…he hates it! Does he hate it?
Dr Sid opened up to Toolz on The Juice saying he sometimes gets uneasywhenever they both go for shopping.
“We’ve gone for shopping together, some of her shopping habits I can’t stand but you know, as a man, I must be supportive, and she has opened my eyes to some of the finer things in life and I appreciate and respect that”, he said.
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