[Valid Atom 1.0] "I don't care how fine a woman is,I lose interest after 6months "-Football star,Chad Ochocinco - bolexwhiz

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"I don't care how fine a woman is,I lose interest after 6months "-Football star,Chad Ochocinco

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Chad Ochocinco the renowned American footballer said he doesn't believe in dating one woman and loses interest in 6 months max..hmmmn

I don’t care how fine you are, for every fine woman, there’s a dude that is tired of that same woman. Human nature is undefeated and what I’ve always done, even in my past relationship, is tell the truth from jump. I never lied, I’m not going to lie to you. Why sell you a dream?
There are men out there that are willing to give their all, that have the discipline to be able to give them that storybook ending, that fairytale as I so call it. I think I’m good for that for about about 6 months. I’m on track, I’m good, [but] I don’t care how fine you are, I’m going to lose interest.I don’t want to sacrifice. Sacrifice my freedom? Why? Why lie? Why sell that dream like you’re going to be the only one?

Ladies,,would you rather have a man who is this honest or one who pretends and does it behind your back..
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