[Valid Atom 1.0] Dear OLOFOFOUTD Readers: Help!! How do I stop masturbating & watching porn? - bolexwhiz

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Dear OLOFOFOUTD Readers: Help!! How do I stop masturbating & watching porn?

Iklan 655 x 60

Dear Olofofounited,I feel miserable, before the beginning of the year i made a promise never to watch porn and masturbate again but i fell into it few days into the new year some times i stop 4 a while and fall right back into it. I've read so many tips and browsed on so many ways i can stop this addiction but they all seem useless after i try them since i always fall back. My mom has warned me about it and spoken to me not to let my eyes see such but i have obviously disappointed her. Although she doesn't know. Well i even started b4 she spoke to me abt it, eme pls help me if u know any way or what i can use or do to stop this.. i have sinned against God n myself. i pray but its worse when i fall back immediately after praying abt it.
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