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Lady Rapes Man Who Tried To Rob Her For Three Days Just To Teach Him A Lesson

Iklan 655 x 60

What a lesson! A Russian man, Viktor Jasinski, 32, who tried to rob a hair salon ended up as the victim when the female shop owner, Olga Zajac, 28, who happened to be a black belt in karate overpowered him. She allegedly floored the would-be robber with a single kick, then dragged him to a back room of her salon and tied him up with a hair dryer cable. She stripped him naked and, for the next three days, used him as a sex slave to 'teach him a lesson' while force feeding him with Viagra to keep the lesson going.

Viktor was later released when he said he had learned his lesson, but went straight to the Police station to report Olga. When police arrived to question Olga, she said: 'What a bastard. Yes, we had sex a couple of times. But I bought him new jeans, gave him food and even gave him 1,000 roubles when he left." Both have now been arrested.
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