[Valid Atom 1.0] Ice Prince Embarasses Eva Alordiah at the Loud 'N' Proud Live Music Concert - bolexwhiz

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Ice Prince Embarasses Eva Alordiah at the Loud 'N' Proud Live Music Concert

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This one na good embarrassment oh..lol... Don't rush, just grab your bottle of kunu let me gist you what actually happened! It all went down at the second edition of the monthly Loud ‘N’ Proud Live music concert which held at Soul Lounge, Intercontinental Hotel, Lagos yesterday being, January the 30th.

The show was headlined by Ice prince, and to the excitement of everyone before he kicked off his performance, he gave several shout outs, but something dramatic happened during the course of his shout outs, when he mentioned stuffs about dating rapper Eva Alordiah. Here is what he said;

  "Let me tell you something I’ve never said before in public,‘ (Pulling Eva from her seat to the stage). Eva was the first girlfriend I had when I came to Lagos; that was way back."

Emmm... Before you could say "ogbmoshologbo" the obviously embarrassed Eva grabbed the mic, and with a cheeky laughter said,

"I don’t know what he’s talking about."

Hian! She was sooo uncomfortable that it seemed the whole mood of the place dropped for a minute or two until Ice prince cunningly continued with his shout outs and dropped several of his hit tracks! Meanwhile those who attended the event, suspect Ice Prince may have been high... You all know what these musicians can get up to for confidence sakes before climbing the stage.... Anyways, na them know sha...
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