[Valid Atom 1.0] WOW! So Patience Jonathan Is Older Than President Jonathan - bolexwhiz

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WOW! So Patience Jonathan Is Older Than President Jonathan

Iklan 655 x 60

Now I know that it's not today that guys have been marrying women who are their senior. So, all of you who are complaining about the likes of Toyin Lawani and Kaffy should just take a chill pill and free them.

President Goodluck Jonathan was born on November 20, 1957, while his wife Patience was born on October 25, 1957. Do the maths and you will understand who is the junior and who is the senior.

2 Comments for "WOW! So Patience Jonathan Is Older Than President Jonathan"

Your English is so poor...

bros na gist, the english make the news sweeter jorh... mr olofofounited carry go jorh

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