[Valid Atom 1.0] OMG: How 200kg Virgin Almost Killed His Lover The First Time They Had S*x (PHOTOS) - bolexwhiz

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OMG: How 200kg Virgin Almost Killed His Lover The First Time They Had S*x (PHOTOS)

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A 200kg virgin, identified as Gregg Casarona sent his girlfriend crashing through a wall the first time he ever had sex.
Gregg, a project manager was just 21 at the time and had been dating his girlfriend Jen Gerakaris, 22 for about a month when they decided to take things to the next level.
Ms Gerakaris knowing Gregg was a virgin made her move by stripping down to her bra and panties and waiting on her bed until Gregg got the hint.

She said, “I knew he was a virgin and I honestly didn’t care, we were dating for a little while and he hadn’t put any moves on me yet so I made a move.”
In the heat of passion Mr Casarona thrust the 50kg Ms Gerakaris backwards with all 200kg of his girth and her head went right through the basement’s sheet-rock wall.

“My initial reaction was, ‘I killed her, this is my first time and Jen is dead,” Gregg said.
After a couple of terrifying seconds, she slowly pulled her head out of the wall, looked at Gregg incredulously and asked “Why’d you stop?”
“He looked like he was about to have a heart attack, “So I just wanted to lighten the mood,” she said.
200kg-virginGregg, shaken by the incident insisted on taking her to the hospital as she started to become dizzy and nauseous.
At the hospital, she was diagnosed with a concussion.
The couple stayed together for four more years after their ER trip and remain close friends today. Casarona, now 28, has since dropped 100kgs and Gerakaris, now 29, has a new boyfriend who knows about that wild night.

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