[Valid Atom 1.0] Hospital wraps newborns in Christmas stockings - bolexwhiz

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Hospital wraps newborns in Christmas stockings

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Newborns sleep in oversized red stockings in the nursery at Long Beach Memorial in Long Beach, Calif., on Monday. For more than 50 years, babies born between December 21-25 at Long Beach Memorial are placed in big red stockings to be presented to the new parents.

California hospitals are spreading holiday cheer for new parents by delivering newborns in giant Christmas stockings.
The bright red stockings were provided this week for babies born at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center in Redlands, California. The Long Beach Press-Telegram says it’s a half-century-old tradition.
The Redlands Community Hospital has been handing out stockings to parents of infants born this month.
The Riverside Press-Enterprise says the tradition began in 1930, but lapsed before it was revived in 2005.
This year, 16 volunteers made 250 fleece stockings during a daylong sewing bee
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