[Valid Atom 1.0] "I would wait for the right man even if it takes a 100 years"-Karen Igho - bolexwhiz

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"I would wait for the right man even if it takes a 100 years"-Karen Igho

Iklan 655 x 60
"You know I can go on twitter and say I’m lonely, or pick up my phone and make calls and men will arrive, but I don’t want that. I want a connection. I want to be in love, I don’t want to fall for someone because he is a star or because of what he has. I want to fall in love with you because of who you are. Some men come and try to entice me with materials things. You don’t have to be rich to win my world. I would wait for the right man even if it takes a hundred years, after all they say God’s time is the best.""

Karen Igho said in a recent interview.....
1 Comments for ""I would wait for the right man even if it takes a 100 years"-Karen Igho"

The right man wud come soon o dat's if u avn't sent him away long ago and I op d soon wouldn't be similar to d one in "jesus is coming soon"

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