[Valid Atom 1.0] Please Kindly Nominate Olofofounited blog in Nigerian Blog Awards - bolexwhiz

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Please Kindly Nominate Olofofounited blog in Nigerian Blog Awards

Iklan 655 x 60

Its Time to list your nomination for your  favorite Nigerian Blog in 2013's Nigerian Blog Awards.
All You have to do is (FOLLOW THIS LINKto the NOMINATION FORM ., and Enter Your Name and Valid email address ., Fill in http://Olofofounited.blogspot.com in the following Spaces for Number 14, 7
Once you've submitted your nomination form, please check for an email fromnigerianblogawards@gmail.com and follow the instructions in the email to ensure your nominations are counted. If you don't follow the instructions in the email your nominations will not be counted.
Thank You
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