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Katy Perry Divorce Lowered My Sex Drive - Ex-Husband

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Russell Brand's sex drive has decreased since his divorce from Katy Perry. The one-time lothario admits his painful split from the pop star - whom he filed for divorce from in December 2011 - has lowered his famous libido, and he no longer feels the desire to sleep with as many women as possible.

He candidly told the new issue of GQ UK magazine: "I think once you've been through that, the information changes. I just do it when I feel like, or when I can. I mean, it was more like a job before.I did it even if I didn't want to.

"I still find a lot of women sexually attractive and I don't regard it as a problem, but that is less of me."

The 38-year-old comedian's sexual conquests - such as sleeping with nine different women in one night - before his marriage to 'Roar' singer Katy, 28, are stuff of legend, but looking back, Russell says it was a "shocking" time and he doesn't wish to ever revert to his old ways.

Recalling his night of passion with nine female admirers, saying: "Mmm, that's a lot isn't it? No, I don't want to be like that again. That was industrial. It was almost agricultural, the amount. I'm not like that anymore. It was madness, out of control."
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