[Valid Atom 1.0] How did Miss Ghana Become The 2nd Runner Up? She Didn’t Make Top 10 Miss World List - bolexwhiz

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How did Miss Ghana Become The 2nd Runner Up? She Didn’t Make Top 10 Miss World List

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Miss World 2013 has got more than the Muslims to answer for as their controversies continue to pile up. Its still a shock how Miss GhanaCarranzer Naa Okailey Shooter became 2nd runner up when she didn’t make the top ten finalists list of the competition..
Following their announcement of the top 10 finalists on September 25, Cameroon (Denise Valerie Ayena)  and South Sudan (Manuela Modong Mogga) contestants were the only African beauty Queens who made it through. The other eight included: U.S.A, France, Italy, Philippines, Cyprus, England, Brazil and Ukraine. http://pulse.ng/2013/09/25/cameroon-south-sudan-queens-make-2013-miss-world-top-10-finalists/
Question is at what point did Miss Ghana became part of the Top Ten? Pulse.ng team fished out the video announcement of the Top 10 finalists from YouTube.com and still, Miss Ghana was absent.

We are on to find out what went down. we will keep you posted.
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