[Valid Atom 1.0] Ladies...Simple But Amazing Ways to Remain Beautiful - bolexwhiz

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Ladies...Simple But Amazing Ways to Remain Beautiful

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Simple But Amazing Ways to Remain Beautiful (Ladies Only)
Being  a woman is not a day’s job as Rome was not built in a day. As women, we are desirable by default, but we need to take some measures so as to remain desirable and beautiful. What will be the essence of being sweet on first sight and empty on a closer look?
Here, I present to you, 20 ways to help you remain beautiful and develop all-round.

1. Don’t eat between meals
2. Skip junk meals
3. Eat food with reduced calories
4. Reduce your intake of sugar
5. Put on very light make-up
6. Be mindful of your colour combination
7. Find the perfect cloths for your shape
8. Avoid wearing cloths that make you look drab
9.  Take care of your skin’ use the right cream or lotion for your skin.
10. Think on things that are true, pure and lovely
11. Dress simply
12. Put on cloths that fit
13. Learn to keep a smile on your face
14. Avoid chewing gum
15. Always be at your best at all times
16. Learn to overlook others’ mistakes
17. Believe in yourself
18. Be bold and confident
19. Be ready to give a sweet word to those you come across
20. Be ready to learn and make ame
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