[Valid Atom 1.0] Jackie Chan Becomes The First Person To Leave Two Sets Of Hand Prints At Chinese Theatre - bolexwhiz

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Jackie Chan Becomes The First Person To Leave Two Sets Of Hand Prints At Chinese Theatre

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Jackie Chan has made history by becoming the first person to leave two sets of hand prints in cement at Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

Chan left his mark the first time 1997 among names like Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable. However, his original cement slab was lost when the Chinese Theatre changed owners and was refurbished.

The owners of the Chinese Theatre wanted to make it up to Chan, and he was given a grand ceremony for his second cement imprint. Rush Hour co-star Chris Tucker and Karate Kid co-star Jaden Smith were on hand to celebrate.

Chan stepped into the cement with his socked feet instead of his shoes, and kissed the cement - leaving an impression of his lips and nose.

Chan said during his speech, "My first time in the Chinese Theatre, I walked on the red carpet... and I see that there are so many stars doing the interviews. And at that time I had nothing to do, standing there looking around. During all those years I dreamed. Slowly, slowly, I got there."
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