[Valid Atom 1.0] Don-Jazzy Gives Twitter Follower N100,000 For Retweeting Him - bolexwhiz

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Don-Jazzy Gives Twitter Follower N100,000 For Retweeting Him

Iklan 655 x 60

MAVIN boss and producer extraordinaire Don Jazzy put a huge smile on the face of one of his faithful twitter followers today for re-tweeting a 'fullstop' sign he tweeted!

He tweeted to d suprise of his followers that d youngman with twitter handle @Bmillions1 jst won 100K for being d first to retweet him. Does this have a connection to Loya milk of which he is an ambassador cos today is 'world milk day'

Barely 5 minutes after the same tweet got 1000+ re-tweets...trust Naija lol
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