[Valid Atom 1.0] Hakym The Dream Sign Multi- Million Naira Recording Deal With De Ark Records & Ent - bolexwhiz

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Hakym The Dream Sign Multi- Million Naira Recording Deal With De Ark Records & Ent

Iklan 655 x 60

Its no longer news that De Ark Records & Ent 
Signed B_Red of HKN Gang recently and his new 
Single "Insane Girl" is making waves presently 
also the video is most rated video the moment on 
all TV station, B_Red is currently in Atlanta on 
The Management been working to bring more 
artist on board "upcoming artist" in their ongoing 
search and readiness to sign undisclosed number 
of talents. De Ark management took us by surprise 
by adding Hakym de dream aka LAMBA King as 
their new signee on 17th May 2013. The Lamba 
King has just Joined the Team Deark Ent and the 
video for Lamba Remix Video which featured 
Wizkid and his latest single "Salamualekun" seem 
to be top priority. 
Hakym will be making his first appearance as a De 
Ark Ent artist at the NACOSS BIU ALL STUDENT 
AWARDS 2013. On the 23rd of May 2013. Hakym 
gets a whooping 20million Naira signup fee, a 
house in Lekki and a luxury car from the deal
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